Tuesday 24 March 2009

Mind Your P's and Q's

When we are kids, our parents are supposed to teach us manners. And I know every set of parents has their own philosophy about what is polite and what isn't, but there are a few things I think we should all be able to agree on.

Case in point: over the weekend, a few of my friends and I went to a club. Now, I understand that people like to go out and have a good time (we do). I understand that people like to dance at a club (we do). And I even understand that clubs tend to get crowded and this isn't always the best atmosphere to do that in. But what I don't understand is the need to barrel people over without so much as a 'sorry' or an apologetic wave of the hand. I'll let you through, just don't topple me over to do it. There's just no need.

On another note: kissing in public - not my favorite thing to see, but I'm willing to accept it. Until you get to the point where you're practically doing the dirty with clothes on. Just take it home. Or at least to a motel.

Seriously folks. Seriously.

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