Thursday 5 March 2009

So Long! Farewell!

T-minus 5 hours until I leave for Spring Break in Germany! I'll be spending three days in Munich, and three in Frankfurt. I'm really excited to see the country, practice my German and engulf myself in yet another European culture.

As a journalist, I tend to work best on deadline, so naturally, I left all my packing (only one suitcase Mom!) until after I finished my midterms earlier today. I hope I remembered everything (though we all know it's inevitable I'll forget something.) I've double checked all the important stuff, so I should survive.

I'm not bringing my laptop with me to Germany — it's too risky — but I'll probably stop into some internet cafés here and there to keep on on emails if you need to get in touch with me. Expect a long blog post when I get back next week. And plenty of photos.

Aufwiedersehen! (Goodbye!)

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