Thursday 2 July 2009

SYTYCD: Farewell Forgetables

Tonight's show started off with a group number to some song from "The Wiz" (I didn't catch what it was). It started with the dancers standing behind a giant picture frame (ooookay?). Then they sprung to life and the shit hit the fan. The routine was busy and clumsy – the dancers were all over the place. I didn't like it and no surprise, it was a Tyce DiOrio number. That guy always gives us such crap. Nigel gave him the usual tongue bath (when will the producers realize he's a sophomoric, hack choreographer at best?)

Anyways, onto the results. First two couples: Karla & Vitolio and Randi & Evan. I thought both couples would be in trouble tonight, but apparently one was safe. Karla & Vitolio didn't do a bad job last night given the circumstances (new couple, tough genre, pretty technique-heavy routine), but it certainly wasn't strong. And I really don't care about them – they're SO BORING! And I love Randi & Evan – they're strong dancers and totally adorable, but always unfairly over-critiqued by the judges. But they're safe! YAY!

Next three couples: Janette & Brandon, Kayla & Kupono and Melissa & Ade. I thought all three of them would be safe, but I guess one of the pairs is in danger. Janette & Brandon were über sexy in their cha-cha last night, and it's no surprise that they're safe. K squared had a pretty dark Sonya jazz routine, but it had to do with vampires, so I thought for sure the tween Twilight audience members would come out in droves for them. Melissa & Ade were absolutely amazing in their classical 'Romeo & Juliet' ballet routine, but young voters might not get the beauty of ballet (although Katee & William got tons of votes & praise for their pas de deux last season). Aaaand ... Melissa & Ade are safe, Kayla & Kupono are in the Bottom 3. Mia said K&K's number was the best of the night – I disagree, but it was good – but hopefully at least Kayla will survive unscathed.

That left us with Jason & Caitlin and Phillip & Jeanine as the last two couples, with seemingly predictable results. Phillip's got a huge voting bloc that has saved him and Jeanine after some pretty dreadful routines (Broadway and Tango) the past couple weeks and Caitlin & Jason's routine last night was really weird and they don't seem to have a strong fan base. But somehow Phillip & Jeanine landed in the bottom and Caitlin & Jason survived to see another week. My reaction was the same as Caitlin's ... What?! I know I complained about Phillip getting by unfairly because of his strong fan base so far, but I definitely didn't think they deserved to be in the bottom based on their hip-hop routine last night. On the plus side, this was an opportunity for Phillip to show off, which I can't say I mind.

Then it was time for another performance from "The World of Dance". Usually I love this segment, but this week's performance (a ballet routine performed by Desmond Richardson and Patricia Hachey) left me a bit disappointed. The ballet was fine (although the costumes were a bit distracting), but it looked like Patricia slipped at one point (did anyone else see that?) and I actually liked Melissa & Ade's ballet last night better.

Solo time. Karla was up first and I'm pretty sure she did the same routine she did for her audition and for her solo last week (has anyone else noticed this?). She's never impressed me with her dancing and doing the same tired routine is very uninspiring. Vitolio's solo had some great leaps and good control, but his personality is just non-existent when he performs. He's got an adorable accent during his interviews, but he's dullsville when he dances. Urgh. Kayla was next and did a more-than-adequate, but slightly lackluster routine. Her technique is great, but I think she took the judges' critiques too much to heart (a few weeks ago, Nigel told her that her routine was too busy and it seemed like she was trying too hard). She's one of the judges' favorites (and mine too), so I doubt she's going anywhere. Kupono's solo basically involved him doing a few lunges, but that was it. He pretty much just stood there. Poor life choice, Kupono, poor life choice. Jeanine was next and did a lovely solo with lots of great extensions that showed off her lines, some perfect pirouettes and leaps. She's becoming one of my favorites in this competition and I'd like to see her with a different partner. Although based off his routine with her last night and his solo tonight, Phillip isn't going anywhere. He did his thing and his solo was filled with great popping and comedy. Plus the judges love him. He should be fine too.

Then, KELLY CLARKSON! It was nice to see an American Idol on So You Think You Can Dance. I think her top was a bit unflattering, but her performance of "I Will Not Hook Up" was great. I wish this song was a bigger hit – I've had it on my iPod for about a month (since I blogged about it) and it's one of my top played songs. And take a note "pop stars": she sang every note LIVE and it sounded great. Love her.

Results time: The judges were unanimous in their decision for the girls. Nigel told Jeanine she had the strongest solo of the night (I'd agree) and that she's safe for another week. Huzzah! Then Nigel told Kayla her solo was stagnant and I can see that, but I don't think she deserves to go home – this girl's a star. Karla got rebuked for her lack of star quality and was cut. Can't same I'm surprised or disappointed at all.

Onto the guys, and again, the judges were unanimous. Phillip got called out first and was scolded for "overworking" his solo and for his less-than-great performances in previous weeks, but is safe. The judges said Vitolio had a great stage presence but no substance to his solo. Was I watching a different performance? I would say the complete opposite was true of his solo. Anyways, Nigel then told Kupono standing there wasn't going to cut it, but he got a pass to next week. I need to go gambling with this guy because he is SO LUCKY! I suspect he'll be in danger next week.

We're really whittling it down here and I think the remaining 12 dancers definitely deserve to be here. I have a feeling Caitlin & Jason will be in trouble and Kupono as well. But it's strong pack this year and anything can happen. Still, I think it'll be tough for the judges to pick the Top 10, which happens next week! Can't wait!

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