Monday 13 April 2009

Lessons Learned from London: Vol. 2

34. Washer/Dryers toy with your emotions and taunt your sub-par intelligence. Bizarre temperature settings (how warm is 40 degrees Celsius again?), crazy wash cycles (do I really need a super fast spin? Do I have a choice?), enigmatic dryer settings (but I don't have delicates!) and the door that never unlocks — it's insanity!
35. Bill Sheasgreen, director of the IC London Center, is a walking encyclopedia of London history and trivia ... and possibly the coolest guy in London.
36. Walking is a great way to get around and really see London (just make sure you have your A to Zed or a really good map).
37. Having a drink at 11am at the local pub is not unusual.
38. Watch which football jersey you wear and where you wear it (try saying that five times fast).
39. Despite all my years in Little League and the similarities between cricket and baseball, I will never become a professional cricket player.
40. As orderly as most things are in London, people don't seem to understand the concept of walking on one side of the sidewalk. I don't care if it's on the left (like in Japan) or the right (like in America) — just pick one!

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