Monday 19 January 2009

Practically Perfect in Every Way

Now that we're finally settled into our new flat, it finally feels real. And, to steal a phrase from everyone's favourite British nanny, Mary Poppins, our flat is practically perfect in every way: spacious, nicely kept-up, completely furnished and in a great location.

There are a few quirks though. Most notably so far is that our dryer doesn't work very well. I was the first to do laundry yesterday, so I got the ... well, let's just call it interesting task of figuring out our washer/dryer. We do have a cool drying line that stretches across our shower and bathtub, but I'm living with three other girls, so inevitably there's always someone who wants to shower. This leads to a whole charade of putting up, taking down, and re-folding clothes onto another small drying stand we have. Then having to re-hang everything in the bathroom. It's quite a bit different from what we're all used to back home, but I'm sure we'll adapt. In the scheme of things, it's really not too bad.

We also still don't have Internet set up in our flat, which makes checking email, uploading photos and blogging somewhat difficult. We're going to finish sorting that out this afternoon/evening I think (hopefully). In the meantime, you'll have to suffer through my sparingly updated posts. Sorry 'bout that.

Over the weekend, Bill, the London Centre director, led a tour through Westminster. There were about 40 or 50 students who joined us on the 4 and 1/2 hour tour. My flatmates and I had already wandered around near Parliament and Big Ben earlier in the week (we had some free time as we found a flat so quickly), but we also saw where several British diplomats live, Scotland Yard, the National Theatre, replica of Shakespeare's Globe, a fantastic little (busy) public market (I bought an entire baguette of yummy, crusty bread for only £1.50, which ended up being my lunch), the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. It was supposed to pour, but we lucked out and it stayed sunny for the whole walk (a rarity in London). Met up with one of Keeley's friends at a pub and hung out with him and his mates for a while. Had a really interesting chat about all sorts of differences in culture between America and Britain, as well as Germany (one of the guys was originally from Berlin).

Spent a lazy day at home yesterday: unpacking, settling in, doing laundry & grocery shopping. It was a bit weird to go to Tescos for our food (I've grown up around Wegmans my whole life), but we worked it out. Watched When Harry Met Sally and The Notebook, neither of which my self-proclaimed "soul-less" flatmate Kristin enjoyed, but I'm a fan of both (they're classics and if you haven't seen them, go out and rent them!)

Off for lunch and the first day of my internship at Peace Now. Possibly searching for a job later. Classes technically started today, but my first one isn't until tomorrow morning (European Mass Media). Probably going to go to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum tomorrow -- they've got free admission with a student ID and a new statue of President-elect Barack Obama. It'll definitely be interesting to watch the inauguration from another country and see what the response here is like.

Cheers for now,

Photos included in this post (from top to bottom): The sunset over Westminster (London Eye, Big Ben & the skyline) and Me & Big Ben.

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