Wednesday 27 January 2010

One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor: The Obama State of the Union Edition

When Presidents used to make national speeches, the whole country would tune in to hang on every word he said because at least many of them cared deeply about what was being said. Nowadays, Americans are more concerned with what words the president utters because it's the difference between a swig of your adult beverage and not.

I did a quick GoogleNews search for "Obama State of the Union Drinking Game" and came up with around 6,300 results ... just in the last 24 hours. The only scarier fact is that there were only about 100 more on the State of the Union specifically. I realize that there is probably a bit of overlap, but within the first page that I checked, the results accurately reflected the search terms I was seeking.

It's a sad, sad commentary on our society, yet it's oddly fascinating and quite funny to glimpse through the ways the public plans to get sloshed tonight. The rules I found range from hilarious fantasies (the Huffington Post blog suggested taking a shot every time Joe Wilson yells something and an additional shot if Obama yells back) to more likely possibilities (like every time Obama says "make no mistake" or "let me be clear"). It's amazing how predictable one of the great orators of our times has become.

More serious sources are predicting the actual content of his speech will focus on the economy and unemployment, as well as the health care debate (each mention of which, by the way, will cost you another shot if you're playing along). Needless to say, it's crucial for Obama to give a knock-out speech tonight.

A VERY SERIOUS NOTE: I do not condone binge drinking.

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