Saturday 30 January 2010

Ithaca's Idols

Until this year, I'd never been bitten by the "American Idol" bug. Until this year, I'd never seen a single episode (though I'm a big fan of many of its alums). Until this year, I didn't really get what all the hype was about. But after much convincing from one of my editors, I finally broke down and began watching this season.

I can't say I'm all that impressed so far, however, certain tragically bad ahem ... interesting auditions have stuck out. Probably none more memorable than General Larry Platt's rendition of his original song "Pants on the Ground." Seemingly overnight, "the General" as he calls himself achieved William Hung levels of Internet meme success.

I absolutely hated this song and how popular it became after it debuted on "Idol". But the Ithacapella version is surprisingly catchy and oddly captivating. The all-male Ithaca College-based a capella group caught the attention of Ryan Seacrest Productions and will be featured on an upcoming show. And as much as I hate myself for it, I can't wait.

Check out their video (spontaneously filmed in a hotel room from what I can gather):

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