Wednesday 18 November 2009

'SYTYCD' Fall 2009: Aha!

Opening routine tonight was set to “Aha!” by Imogen Heap and featured the dancers as pieces of art. At the start, they were all standing on different podiums and covered in sheets. When the music picked up, half the sheets were ripped off and they started with some great sharp, rhythmic arm moves. The dancers kept shaking their hands like they were being electrocuted, which was weird at first, but oddly captivating. About halfway through, the rest of the group joined in with some Thriller-esque moves. A haunting and intriguing piece to open the show choreographed by Wade and Amanda Robson.

Cat looked a bit dowdy tonight in a pale pink, loose-fitting dress with a high school-girl collar, big, sparkly brooch and elbow-length sleeves. It’s astonishing that a woman that beautiful can actually look unattractive.

After a quick chat with the judges, it was down to business. First two couples were Ashleigh & Jakob and Kevin & Karen. Cat revealed that Ashleigh and Jakob were safe without talking to Kevin & Karen at all … it was weird and made me think maybe America kept them safe too? I hope not, they need to get cut this week … and they could be: they’re in the Bottom 3.

Next three couples: Ryan & Ellenore, Russell & Noelle and Channing & Victor. Ryan & Ellenore did a fantastic, emotional Travis Wall contemporary piece last night. Russell & Noelle did one of the best foxtrots I’ve seen on this show, but then again voters might not respond the classic ballroom style. Of the three, I suspected Channing & Victor would land in the bottom and they did. Their routine was so bizarre (well danced, but bizarre) and I think America didn’t know what to make of it. They’re also kind of forgettable, so they could definitely be in trouble.

Last two couples: Mollee & Nathan and Legacy & Kathryn. The judges loved Mollee & Nathan’s pop jazz routine last night, but I thought it was lackluster at best. I also think America’s getting sick of their over-cutesy personalities (I am too). Legacy & Kathryn blew me away with their Paso Doble last night. One of the best routines of the season so far. And America finally put Mollee & Nathan in the bottom. I doubt she’ll be cut before the Top 10, but I can’t wait to see Nathan with different partner. I think Mollee’s holding him back with her Micky Mouse club vibe.

The special guest dancers tonight were choreographer Nakul Dev Majahan and MDN Bollywood Dance company with a Bollywood routine to "Desi Girl" from the movie Destona. The routine was absolutely dynamic and employed great partner work and use of the stage. Not to mention the costumes were gorgeous. I wish I could pull off wearing a sari – they’re beautiful.

Solos: Karen was first up and did one of the weakest solos I’ve ever seen. Majority of it was her flipping her hair around and standing there. Occasionally she groped herself. Ew. Kevin did a pretty mediocre hip-hop solo He did the back-bend-with-no-hands move again and some popping, but nothing exciting or memorable. Both their routines left me asking ‘how the hell are they still in this competition’ or worse yet, ‘how did they make the Top 20 in the first place?’

Channing was next and performed a gorgeously flowy piece that accentuated her fabulous extension. Not exactly dancing for her life, but lots of solid technique and a vast improvement on the previous two routines. Victor was next and fared pretty well in his solo. His pirouettes are his strength and he played on that – he did too many turns (that was pretty much the whole routine), but he executed them beautifully. Mollee did a lot of gymnastics and leaps for her solo – I forgot she could do that kind of stuff, so it was great to see. What wasn’t so great were the moments in between those moves where she strutted around the stage like a stripper. Something about the whole thing just felt wrong. Probably because she looks (and acts) like a twelve-year-old. Nathan fused his popping ability with his contemporary and really showed off his insane level of control. He kept coming out of his pirouettes and stopping dead in his tracks facing front (on one foot!). That’s tricky stuff.

Special guest tonight was a rocker chick named Orianthi, who’s apparently played with such legends as Santana and Michael Jackson. She performed her song “According to You”. I’ve never heard of her, but her guitar chops were sick. Her voice was a bit whiney at times, but I forgot about it the second she did a guitar solo (and there were several mini ones throughout the song). Not too shabby for the musical guest slot (which was notoriously sucky last season).

Results time: Ladies first. Nigel called Mollee forward first and while I find her totally obnoxious, she excelled at her solo and was safe. Nigel said it was difficult for ballroom dancers like Karen to do solos (yeah, but that’s no excuse for not doing ANYTHING in a ‘dance for your life’ situation) and said that although Channing had spectacular technique, she didn’t let her personality shine through and that she was cut. What?! She was a bit boring, but she didn’t deserve to go this week. Then again, she’d probably get cut next week anyways. I guess as long as we’re weeding out the weaker dancers, I’m cool with it.

Time for the guys. Nigel called Nathan first and said he was safe (as expected). His technique is way too strong for them to let him go before the Top 10. Then it was down to Kevin and Victor. As suspected, Kevin got the ax. I’d normally say something about Nigel filling the hip-hop void in the show, but I don’t think Kevin did that too well, so I’m not too sad to see him go.

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