Monday 2 February 2009

The Universal Language

If you know me, it’s no secret I love to dance — anytime, anywhere. If I hear music, I can’t resist grooving along to the beat (you can ask my parents, they used to catch me choreographing Broadway routines in our living room or tap dancing ‘round the kitchen all the time).

And unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ve undoubtedly seen the T-Mobile commercial that involves hundreds of hired dancers randomly bursting out into choreography to a mix of great tunes in the middle of the Liverpool Street tube station (if you haven’t seen it, check it out below).

Anyways, the commercial, which somehow relates to cell phones, (can someone explain that to me, please? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller …?), was filmed only two weeks ago, meaning I was in London when it happened. Was I fortunate enough to be in Liverpool station when the quasi-spontaneous dance party broke out? No. But I’d love to be involved in something like that (similar things have been done before — check out “Frozen Grand Central” below).

We did manage to make it to Liverpool station today (en route to our shopping trip at the Up Market and the Petticoat Lane Market), and there were video screens strewn about the walls of the entire station. They usually serve as additional advertising space, but at that station, they were all playing the T-Mobile commercial. Most people rushed past, running to catch trains and make connections, but two kids, both about 7 years old, stood transfixed in front of the screen. They broke their hypnotic trance a few seconds later only to start dancing along with the commercial. A small crowd gathered to watch the toe-tapping twosome before their mother eventually guided them off to their train.

Bottom line, there’s really only one absolutely universal language: dance (because trust me, American English and British English — not the same thing!)

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