Thursday 29 April 2010

REVIEW: "All in Good Time"

“All in Good Time”
Barenaked Ladies
Raisin’ Records
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 4 stars

The wisecracking Canadians of Barenaked Ladies have had a rough year. They’ve withstood the departure of co-founding member Stephen Page, the death of lead singer Ed Robertson’s mother and even a private plane crash. But the boys are back with a more reflective sound on their 9th studio album, “All in Good Time.”

The album offers a bluesier pop rock sound than fans may be used to, but one listeners will still enjoy. Despite the more mature, introspective sound, “All in Good Time” still balances poignant with fun — something the band has mastered during their 22-year existence.

Robertson takes lead vocals for ten of the album’s 18 tracks, while keyboardist Kevin Hearn and bassist Jim Creeggan step up on the remaining eight songs. Robertson’s voice offers a familiar sound for listeners (he used to split lead vocals equally with Page), but Hearn’s and Creeggan’s voices croon with mixed success. Creeggan’s song “On the Lookout” sounds less Barenaked Ladies and more Maroon 5.

Their track “Four Seconds” is a bouncy pseudo-rap filled with pop-culture references (think “One Week” but slower and goofier) that proves the guys haven’t lost their signature sense of humor. The first single off the album, a dulcet ballad titled “You Run Away,” astutely reflects the band’s split with Page, while other tracks, like “Ordinary” and “Golden Boy” are akin to BNL classics like “Jane” and “Brian Wilson.”
Beyond the group’s pensive new light rock sound is the same comic charm that will keep old fans and help attract a new generation.

Monday 26 April 2010

Confessions of a Foodie

There's something about potatoes. I don't know what it is, but I swear there's something magical about them. Baked. Deep fried. Mashed. Salted. Drowned in butter. It almost doesn't matter how I cook them, their mysterious power over me and my taste buds still remains.

There's something cathartic about slowly devouring an entire bowl of potatoes. Maybe this train of thought is coming from a hungry place. Maybe it's because potatoes just happened to be what I was craving when I got home today. Maybe it's because I was just watching 'Julie and Julia' in class and now all I can think about is food.

But as I sit here eating a huge bowl of mashed potatoes for dinner, two things occur to me: 1.) that my parents are probably horrified to learn their almost grown-up daughter is eating only mashed potatoes for dinner — and is admitting it freely on the Internet — and 2.) potatoes may be the single greatest food on the face of the Earth.

Not that I am discriminating against other foods — all food is wonderful. But potatoes in all their glory, particularly mashed, are the granddaddy of all foods. The velvety texture as they roll around in my mouth. The warm sensation as they pleasantly crawl down my throat. The satisfactory feeling as they nestle comfortably in my stomach. They're simply wonderful.