Friday 30 October 2009

AUDIO SLIDESHOW: Going Green for Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year -- even as an adult. Something about getting dressed up and pretending to be something else is exciting (maybe it's the five-year-old inside of me; and trust me, she's there). Those who know me know I don't like to do the same costume twice. Even if I'm going to one party Friday and one on Saturday, I'll come up with two completely different outfits.

That usually means getting crafty -- in terms of making to costume and saving money. Making your own costume is not only fun, but also sustainable. Check out what a group of Ithaca residents is doing to save money and the environment this Halloween.


Saturday 24 October 2009


Kanye may have been right about Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video being awesome (I'm not getting into any debate about whether it's better than Taylor Swift's video or not), but I'll bet he didn't know the concept for the video wasn't Beyonce's idea.

Recently, the pop singer admitted on BET that she was inspired by a performance by Gwen Verdon (Bob Fosse's wife) on The Ed Sullivan Show called "Mexican Breakfast." Beyonce's video also liberally borrows moves from "Sweet Charity", which like the Ed Sullivan performance was choreographed by the legendary Bob Fosse.

I'll admit I was a bit miffed when I first heard this news, especially because at that point Beyonce hadn't admitted to the blatant similarities (check out a mash-up of all three routines video here), but then again, she's doing what we ask of all great artists: steal from the best and make it your own. Whether or not she made it totally her own, I'm still not sure of, but I'm willing to let it slide.

On another quasi-related note, in April (how did I miss this?) about 100 London single ladies performed the dance from Beyonce's video in Picadilly Circus to win tix to the pop singer's concert this month. Awesome.

Friday 16 October 2009

AUDIO SLIDESHOW: Israeli Folk Dancing

Last week, for our digital journalism project, my friend Norah and I went to Cornell to cover the Israeli Folk Dance class taught there every Thursday. Here's the final audio slideshow:

Thursday 8 October 2009

'SYTYCD' Fall 2009: Blood on the Dance Floor & Vegas Week, Pt 1!

Guess what?! I'm keeping my promise and posting my 'SYTYCD' recaps! And the crowd goes wild! Here's the link to the one for Tuesday (Salt Lake City auditions) and for Wednesday (Vegas Week). Enjoy!

Sunday 4 October 2009

'SYTYCD' Fall 2009: I Head Ya Doin' the New Orleans Bounce Last Night

Sorry again for the delay in my weekly 'So You Think You Can Dance' recap, folks. Hopefully all my loyal readers out there (are there even any?) won't abandon me just yet. I swear I'll get better at this ... hopefully ... maybe? I'll try. Pinky swear!

Anyways, here's my recap of both Tuesday and Wednesday nights' shows via the City Newspaper arts & entertainment blog. Enjoy!